Leaving a gift to Mercy Health Clinic in your will or your trust supports our mission, and provides on-going access to healthcare for those who need our help now, and in the future. Your gifts, small or large, are a significant part of a community-wide legacy of love.
Bequests made to Mercy are easy to make, easily changed, and do not affect your current lifestyle. There are many ways to leave a gift including:
- Gifts in a Will (Bequests)
- Beneficiary Designations (involving all or part of life insurance, IRA, etc.)
- Gifts from an IRA
- Gifts from a Donor-Advised Fund
- Gifts of Appreciated Stock
Consult your tax advisor about the benefits of making a gift to Mercy Health Clinic (Tax ID # 52-2230932) in Gaithersburg, Maryland, from your IRA, Donor-Advised Fund, or a gift of appreciated stock. Your benefits manager can assist you in designating Mercy as a beneficiary of your IRA or qualified retirement benefits.
If you would like more information on making a gift to Mercy Health Clinic, please contact Denise Fredericks, Director of Development at 240-773-0334, or by email to denise.fredericks@mercyhealthclinic.org.